

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mixed Emotions

Well I am sad happy to report that I started my period so my cyst did indeed resolve itself.  I am glad that my body seemed to figure things out and starting my period means we can move forward with our FET in June.  Which is great news.  But even though I know, KNOW, that I didn't ovulate due to the cyst it's still hard to really feel joy when your period comes.  There's always that tiny voice in the back of my mind saying *maybe*.  Sigh.

But moving forward is good!  And I'm anxious to implant our little frosty and see where he/she takes us!  I'm continuing to focus on having only positive thoughts and trying not to think any further ahead until we know what happens.  I have a rough outline of next steps if this transfer fails but I'm not going to let myself start putting anything in motion until I see this through.  So one step at a time and this small one is the beginning.  Here's to hoping the third try is the charm!


  1. Yay! I started my cycle today too! Slightly less thrilling, but hey. I'm certainly hoping that the third time is the charm for you! Wishing you the very, very best!

  2. Love, love, love your positivity! Keep it up! Your rainbow baby is right around the corner :)

  3. I am hoping that this transfer in June will be the golden nugget!! Stay positive and don't think about the negative "what if's".
