

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Cautiously Optimistic

I feel like this has been my mantra for this entire cycle.  Today I had beta number 3 and it came back at 177.  Which means it didn't quite quadruple in the 4 days (it actually tripled) but my doubling time is 59 hours which falls in the "normal" range of 31-72 hours.  My doctor said that he believes we may have had 2 implant, which is why we saw the big jump between beta 1 and 2, but only one is still growing.  Which is more than fine by us.  We are so grateful for that little one that is hanging on!

I asked if we need to set up a 4th beta since it didn't quadruple but Dr. H said that wasn't necessary and we'd just go ahead and schedule the ultrasound.  He said he was comfortable with the increase and felt everything was progressing as it should be.  So we scheduled our first ultrasound for March 14th.  Which means I have to wait 2 weeks and 3 days before I get confirmation that everything is in fact going okay.  That.  Feels.  Like.  Forever.  But it is what it is.  So for now I am feeling cautiously optimistic.

At the ultrasound I'll technically be 7 weeks and 1 day, but since we seem to have a late implanter I'm not sure what that does to the timeline.  I'm assuming I'm be measuring a few days behind.  Which also makes things fuzzy on if we'll be able to see the heartbeat.  I just am praying so hard that this little one continues to grow and develop.

So while on one hand I am extremely grateful for the increase and that it falls into the "normal" range I definitely would be less worried and breathing easier if the number would have quadrupled.  Which leads me back to the title of this post.....cautiously optimistic.  

Thank you all so much for your prayers and support.  I believe that God is hearing us and is answering.  You are all helping to keep me sane through this process.  Here's to hoping these next 2 weeks go FAST.


  1. MARCH 14?!?!? Oh my word, that is forever and a day away. With all the science this world has to offer, I'm fairly sure someone should have come up with a way to detect pregnancy via ultrasound device sooner than this! Ughhhh! I'm sure the wait is absolute torture! Just regular ol' optimistic for you! Hurry March 14th!

    1. I know right?! So far away. I just feel so helpless. All that's left to do is just pray and wait. I will be on a business trip for work all next week so I'm hoping that the first part at least will go by quickly! Ugh. Thanks for empathizing with me :)

  2. That is so reassuring! I know everyone's numbers are different and am just trying to focus on the fact that it is steadily increaseing and within "the range". It's so hard not to worry. I am SO happy that it worked out so well for you :) I would absolutely be thrilled to death with twins but I will also be estatic with just 1 healthy baby. Praying so hard that WHATEVER is in there continues to grow!
