
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Sunshine Award!
I am so excited that Allison at Eggs Over Easy nominated me for the Sunshine Award! This is my first blog award and it feels so good to become more and more involved in this great community of women. Having people to relate to as I struggle through infertility has really been a saving grace. It can be such a lonely battle and I truly feel like you girls have helped me keep my head above water. So without further ado......
1. How did you know your husband was "the one"?
My husband and I were friends for a couple years before we got together (we were both dating other people). There was always something between us - a little spark. When my (bad) relationship ended he was a really good friend to me and it grew from there. He saw me through one of the lowest points in my life (up to that date) and didn't go running in the opposite direction :) He's been there every step of the way for me ever since.
2. How far (if at all) would you go/continue with fertility treatments?
This is a tough one. We are currently on IVF fresh cycle #2. My diagnosis is elevated FSH and after our first IVF cycle it's clear that I have both an egg quantity and quality issue. We only had one embryo that continued to develop that we could transfer and none to freeze. We have pumped up the drugs for this next cycle and I'm hopeful for better results. If we don't have success then I think our next move would be to consider donor eggs. I know we could keep trying with my eggs but how much time and money do you spend when for me, we know what the issue is, and could probably have a baby much quicker/easier if we went with donor eggs. But I guess that's a bridge we'll cross if/when we come to it. Right now I'm focusing all of my positivity and hope on this upcoming cycle. (please God please!)
3. What are you most looking forward to about being a mommy?
Rocking my baby to sleep. I can not WAIT for those middle of the night cries where I can bring my child comfort and peace. Where he or she is waiting for me to come, like I've been waiting for him/her.
4. What is your "happy place"?
This is so funny - because I talk about it all the time. My happy place is snuggled on our couch with the fireplace going and my husband on one side of me and our dog on the other. There are moments when we are sitting like this just watching TV and I get overcome with emotion because I love them both so much and I feel so lucky to have them.
5. What is your biggest pet peeve?
People who take life's gifts for granted. (This is probably self explanatory considering that we struggle with infertility).
6. What are some of the best life lessons you have learned?
1. You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice
2. Life is not fair - but everyone has their own personal battles. I don't think it's fair that we are struggling through infertility but at least we have each other. No one's world is perfect and you might think if you had the choice you would choose someone else's struggle. But you never truly know what's going on in someone's life unless you live it. Then you might think twice.
3. Things truly do happen for a reason. Looking back 5 years ago everything I was going through at that time makes sense now. And even though for the life of me I can not see the "reason" we are having to go through this I do have faith in God and trust in his plan. Not to say that there aren't bad moments, because there definitely are. But I know we are meant to be parents and there's a special child (or children) out there meant for us.
4. Sometimes we need to be hurt in order to grow. We must lose in order to gain. Sometimes, some lessons are learned best through pain.
5. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying "I will try again tomorrow".
7. What is your biggest fear?
I've always said my biggest fear was not being able to have children. Now that I'm living that fear I would say it's changed to losing my husband.
8. If money and time were not issues, what would your dream vacation look like?
I've never been to Europe and I would love to visit Italy. Spend the days eating bread and pasta and drinking red wine :) However our typical vacation consists of lying on a tropical beach so I'd have to tie in time for that as well. That is my 2nd "happy place". Can I go from Italy to Fiji?? Stay in one of those huts over the water? Amazing.
9. What is your favorite thing about family?
Unconditional love. Our family has been such a great support system for us through everything and their love never waivers even when we aren't at our best. As we all know infertility can bring out the uglies (jealously, anger, fear, etc.) and through even my worst days our family has held me in their arms and loved me through it.
10. What is your favorite book?
This is nearly impossible for me. I am an avid reader and I love books of all kinds from Hunger Games, to Nora Roberts romance novels, to Sci-Fi novels, to murder mysteries. I have to say that Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Alborn has always been a favorite of mine. And Charlotte's Web, even though I cry every time.
Okay now for my nominees....
Stephanie at The Icing On Our Cake
Kasey at Stupid Broken Eggs
Mrs. Lost at Where Is That Bird
Jessah at Dreaming of Dimples
Amanda at Genuine Greavu
Ladies if you'd like to join in then great - if not that's just fine! Below are my questions for you!
1. What's your favorite funny story about your husband?
2. What was your favorite moment from your wedding?
3. What significant life lesson have you learned?
4. What's your favorite way to spend a Saturday afternoon?
5. Who or what is your inspiration in life?
6. What would be the first thing you did if you won the lotto?
7. What's your go-to outfit?
8. What's your biggest fear?
9. Where would you go on vacation if money and time were no object?
10. How far would you go/continue with infertility treatment?
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Thanks Elisha! Honestly I don't know how I'd survive without this outlet. It's been so helpful to me.